Arya Health recently launched a new alerts feature in our medical records software, Arya EHR. Alerts will provide notifications to clinicians and staff to better capture timely information about their patients. You can now set alerts for your patients directly within the platform. These can be stored within the patient chart for viewing, or flagged to pop up whenever the patient chart is accessed. This will provide better, more individualized care for your patients and increase the quality of communication amongst staff.
The addition of this new feature will further help with operative efficiencies for doctors and office assistants, and it will also reduce confusion and eliminate missed items.
Here’s a quick video of just how easy it is:
To access a patient's alerts, navigate to the Profile tab in their patient chart and click on Alerts. The alerts panel will expand, displaying all alerts created for this patient.
You can create a patient alert by:
Click the Type Here field to enter a description of the alert.
Click on the Appears For dropdown to select the user(s) this alert pertains to.
Select All Users if the alert is relevant clinic-wide.
Click the Flag icon for the alert to appear as a pop-up in the upper-right corner when opening the patient chart for users listed in Appears For.
Leave Flag icon unselected to create an alert that does not pop-up
Click Add to activate the alert
Use Cases
There are plenty of use cases for this new alerts tool. Examples of important alerts could include;
a patient needs a translator booked for their physician appointments;
a patient works a night shift and has requested to not be called before 11:00 AM;
a patient can only see Dr. (Insert Doctor’s name);
a patient has been discharged from the clinic and should not be booked.
Who Can See These Alerts?
Our new alerts feature will allow you to create these quick reminders, and pick which user(s) within your clinic can see them. You can also select whether the note should pop up as a flag (notification) for the user. For example, an administrative team member can add an alert that only pops up for other administrative staff, reducing documentation burnout for clinicians.
If you are using an EHR from our competitors then you are used to big pop-ups that appear right in the center of your screen and stop your workflow until you close them. For Arya, the pop-ups appear in the top right corner and you do not need to close them to continue working with the data. If you prefer a clutter free view, you are always welcome to close them, but unlike our competitors, this is not a requirement in order for you to complete your clinical work.
You can now set alerts for your patients, and choose who in your clinic can see them directly within the EHR. These can be stored within the patient chart for viewing, or flagged to pop up whenever the patient chart is accessed. The addition of this new feature will further help with operative efficiencies for doctors and office assistants, and it will also reduce confusion and eliminate missed items. It’s quick, easy to use, and has many use cases. Lastly, it maintains the clutter free view that Arya is known for, while not interrupting your clinical workflow.
Arya EHR is an electronic health record system built by physicians for physicians. Used across Canada, it helps clinics manage their patient records simply, intuitively, and efficiently. The technology used in providing healthcare is antiquated, slow, overly complex, and overpriced. Arya’s philosophy is to build technology for physicians that is beautiful, intuitive, easy to use, saves you headaches and saves you money.
Interested in a demo, book one here: https://go.oncehub.com/AryaEHRDemo